Accounting, documenting and reporting emissions

Emissions – Where from? How much? Why?

Emission Inventories as the basis

The knowledge about the origin of emissions and their development over time is the precondition for setting appropriate measures and calculation of future trends. For this purpose, so-called national emission inventories are prepared on a regular basis following a territorial-based approach. Emission inventories are available for greenhouse gases (CO2, N2O, CH4, F-gases) and air pollutants (such as SOx, NOx, NMVOC, NH3). Emission balances can also be produced for companies, municipalities, households or single persons, to identify reduction potential and document changes.

By signing the Paris Agreement, Parties agreed to apply a so-called ‚Enhanced Transparency Framework‘, which defines when and what information has to be submitted to the UNFCCC. The compliance with these requirements allows the comparison of country performances and is also the basis to monitor our efforts in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

What’s our Expertise?

We have a long-lasting experience in calculating emissions and the reporting of these to the EU and/or the UNFCCC. We are also certified GHG inventory review experts and listed at the UNFCCC roster of experts. What we offer is support in preparing emissions inventories and capacity building to increase national competencies.


Establishing a National System, source specific emission calculations, calculation templates, trend analysis, use of indicators, Quality Assurance and Quality Control, Key Category Analysis, recalculations, etc.


National Greenhouse Gas Inventory report according to UNFCCC and EU requirements, National Informative Inventory report for air pollutants according to LRTAP Convention and EU requirements, as well as progress reports to the UNFCCC (National Communications and Biennial Transparency Reports).


Review of National Air Emission (according to NEC and CLRTAP) and Greenhouse Gas Inventories (according to UNFCCC), Review of National Communications and Biennial Transparency Reports, informal review of National Energy and Climate Plans, Low Carbon Development Strategies, National Determined Contributions, etc.


Tailor made support and training workshops to strenghten the national competence in a sustainable way: establish national systems, calculation of emissions, QA/QC procedures, data management, etc.