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European Environment Agency (EEA) 2024: European Union emission inventory report 1990‑2022 — Under the UNECE Convention on Long‑range Transboundary Air Pollution (Air Convention) , EEA Report 08/2024 (contributing author)
Pinterits, M., Kampel, E., Ullrich, B.: Air pollution policies and measures under the National Emission reduction Commitments Directive (NECD). Update 2024 . ETC HE Report 2024/02, Jul 2024
Ortega, J., Kampel, E., et al: Analysis of Member States’ 2023 GHG projections , ETC CM Report 2023/08, Feb 2024
Ortega, J., Kampel, E., et al: Quality assurance and quality control procedure for national and Union GHG projections 2023 , ETC CM Report 2023/09, Feb 2024
Integrated Report with recommendations for local implementation of NDCs and LEDS in EaP Countries; Guidance document for national bodies and municipalities to support implementation of climate action at the local level, EU4Climate Project, June 2023
European Union emission inventory report 1990-2021 — Under the UNECE Convention on Long‑range Transboundary Air Pollution (Air Convention), EEA Report 04/2023 (contributing author)
Climate Mainstreaming Activities in EaP Countries ; Summary of sectoral mainstreaming studies and experiences made in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, EU4Climate project, June 6, 2023
Annual European Union greenhouse gas inventory 1990–2021 and inventory report 2023 , Submission to the UNFCCC Secretariat,15 April 2023 (contributing author)
FreiRad – Freiwillige Radfahrprüfung für alle Kinder: Projektendbericht: 46 Handlungsempfehlunge n, gefördert von Klima und Energiefonds Österreich, Februar 2023
Developing Long-Term Climate Strategies in the EU Eastern Partnership countries ; Comparative analysis of approach and long-term ambitions in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, Nov. 2022, EU4Climate Project
European Environment Agency (EEA) 2022: European Union emission inventory report 1990-2020 under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP) .
European Environment Agency (EEA) 2022, Annual European Union greenhouse gas inventory 1990–2020 and inventory report
2022. Submission to the UNFCCC Secretariat (Mitarbeit im Rahmen des ETC-CM)
„NDC preparation and implementation in Eastern Partnership countries ”, Nov. 2021 (im Rahmen des EU4Climate Projekts )
European Environment Agency (EEA) 2021: Annual European Union greenhouse gas inventory 1990–2019 and inventory report 2021 , EEA/PUBL/2021/066 (contributing author)
Kampel E., et al.; Background Report for the Preparation of the Enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution of Montenegro , Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism, Podogorica, 2021
Teamleader zur Aktualisierung der NDC von Montenegro 15 Jun 2021
European Environment Agency (EEA) 2020: Annual European Union greenhouse gas inventory 1990–2018 and inventory report 2020 (contributing author)
Development and delivery of Capacity Building activities on Climate Change and Health in North Macedonia (2023-2024), im Auftrag der GIZ
Datenanalyse für Global Stocktaking des Pariser Übereinkommens, im Auftrag der UNFCCC (2022-2023)
Unterstützung von Montenegro bei Entwicklung einer NDC Implementation Roadmap (2022)
Unterstützung von Georgien bei einer EU Green Deal Analys e (2022)
Beraterin im EU4Climate Projekt – Unterstützung von Armenien , Azerbaidschan , Georgien , Moldawien , Ukraine and Weissrussland bei der Implementierung des Pariser Abkommens, vor allem im Bereich NDCs und LEDS (2020-2023)
Beratung von Weißrussland zur Erstellung der 7. National Communication (Jan. 2021)
Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung eines Transparency Frameworks für Serbien (Dez 2020)
Regional 2-day Workshop on GHG inventories for experts from Western Balkan countries and Türkiye (17.-18.Juni 2024): Organisation, Moderation & Speaker
NDCs 3.0 Regional Forum for Eastern Europe and Central Asia Pathways to Progress : Crafting Ambitious and Implementable NDCs (UNDP, UNEP, NDC Partnership, UNFCCC): Thematic expert on National Policy Frameworks & Policies and Measure (3.-5.Sept. 2024)
EU4Climate Project – Webinar on “Implementation of Low Emissions Development Strategies (LEDS) and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) at Local and Regional Levels ”, 14 June 2023: Organisation und Moderation
EU4Climate Project – Regional Workshop on Climate Mainstreaming Activities in the EaP countrie s , Recommendations for Energy and Agriculture, 14 June 2023: Organisation & Vortrag
10th Anniversary of the Covenant of Mayors in the Eastern Partnership Region , EU4Climate Workshop on local implementation of Low Carbon Development Strategies , 29-30.Nov.2022: Moderation & Präsentation
UNFCCC COP27 side event on Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategies in the EU Eastern Partnership Region , UNDP pavillion, 12.Nov.2022: Vortrag
2.Stakeholder-Workshop im Rahmen des Projekts FreiRad zur Förderung des Radfahrens für Kinder (Nov. 2022)
Training Programme on Green Transitions, Webinar on Energy bei UN Inter-agency Issue-Based Coalition (IBC) on Environment and Climate Change for Europe and Central Asia (18.Oct.2022): Vortrag
1.Stakeholder-Workshop im Rahmen des Projekts FreiRAD zur Förderung des Radfahrens für Kinder (Juni 2022)
Green Days Event in Montenegro (3 Sep. 2021): Vortrag
Klimaevent der Young European Ambassadors (30 April 2021): Vortrag
MRV-Workshop des Projekts “Transition towards Low Emissions and Climate Resilient Economy in the Western Balkans and Turkey (TRATOLOW)” (7/8 Juli 2021): Vortrag
Webinar NDC Finance and investment strategies for Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (14-15 Dec 2020): Vortrag
Webinar on Developing Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategies (LT_LEDS) and Climate policy mainstreaming for Eastern Partnership Countries (19-20 Oct 2020): Organisation & Vortrag
Successful completion of UNFCCC Training Programme of experts for review under the Paris Agreement (Course A, B1, B6, C1,C2,C3, C4) (2023, 2024)
UNITAR – Online Course for ‘Gender and Environment’ (Module 1 & 2) (2024)
Prüferin der Luftschadstoffinventur für den Sektor Abfall (NECD-Review 2022 )
Gutachterin für Projektanträgen im Rahmen der deutschen Internationalen Klimaschutzinitiative (2021, 2022 und 2023)
Erfolgreiche Aufnahme in den Pool von Berater*innen zur Erreichung des österreichischen Umweltzeichens für Schulen (Sept. 2021)
Prüferin der Treibhausgasinventuren der EU Mitgliedstaaten unter der Effort Sharing Decision für den Sektor Abfall (Comprehensive Review 2020 )