Successful Electricity Saving
We are a four-person household, and rely for heating and hot water on our air source heat pump. This of course has a high impact on our electricity consumption. At the end of 2018 we analysed our electricity consumption and detected that it has been continously rising in the last three years, although we were not aware of any additional electrical appliances. So our target for 2019 was to reach an electricity consumption level below the one of 2018, which could be difficult as we got a fish tank, which is an additional power guzzler.
So, what we did, is the following: lower room temperature, turn-off any unneeded lights and turn off electrical appliances (if not in use). That’s all we did, and these measures did not reduce our comfort of living, it just meant changing some habits. The result was impressive, we achieved a reduction of almost 1000 kWh compared to 2018! So we are highly motivated to continues this trend. fortzusetzen! Why not also getting into the battle and save energy, save costs and help the climate!